Village of
East Nassau
Welcome to the Village of East Nassau!

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Meeting Minutes
  Code of Ethics
 Building Department/Code Enforcement  Election Information  Zoning Board of Appeals

DPW/Village Roads 

 Land Use Regulations


Marriage, Dog, and Sporting

(Nassau Town Clerk Page)


Village Board meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday each month at 7:00 PM at the Hoags Corners Volunteer Ambulance Station, 19 Town Garage Road.

(Occasionally a Board meeting date and/or time may be different due to unusual circumstances and it will be posted here.)



County Hazard Mitigation Plan update available!

🚨 Attention Rensselaer County Residents! 🚨


The Rensselaer County Bureau of Public Safety is updating our County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, which happens every 5 years! This important plan helps break the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction, addressing high-priority hazards like flooding and strengthening our community’s resilience against future disasters. 🌍💪


Municipal and county officials have worked together to develop projects aimed at making our community safer, and we need YOUR input to shape a better future.


📅 The draft plan is available for review on the Rensselaer County Bureau of Public Safety website. You can submit your feedback from today to April 11th, 2025.


👉 Your voice matters! Share your thoughts and help us create a more resilient County. For any comments or questions, please reach out to the planning team at .


NYAlert system and Prepare Rensselaer app

Sign up for NYAlert bulletins and stay informed of emergency alerts and informational risks and threats messages as they are issued by state and local authorities.  Alerts can be sent to email, cell phones, pagers, and other devices - you choose how you want to be informed and what sorts of messages you would like to receive.  Check it out at


And download the Prepare Rensselaer app (available from app stores for Apple and Android products) for the latest in county information about emergencies and preparedness.  Click here for more information about Prepare Rensselaer.

Assessment Rolls Available

The Assessment Roll is available as a pdf document by clicking here.

Click on Assessment Information in the menu on the left for more information about the assessment rolls as well as a powerful search engine interface that allows searching the rolls on various parameters.

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