From Joe:
are maps and forms for the training. They propose a hotel and restaurant on 2
lots. I was thinking we can situate this on the corner of Route 20 and Route
66 where Goodwill Road on the map would be Route 20 and the other frontage road
would be Route 66.
you know, the training was going to be for a restaurant with a convenience store
component. However, I have realized that to make it realistic it would take a
considerable amount of time on my part - essentially doing application
submissions for a new project. Thus, I have decided that the best option would
be keeping the hotel. I have all the data for that and a hotel on Route 20 is
not completely out of the realm of possibility. The Village Zoning regulations
does not have a hotel as an allowable use but we can say it is requiring a
special use permit for purposes of the training. The more I think about it, the
better I like this plan because all of the project facts and maps would be
realistic and it wouldn't be awkward. I have attached the EAF and application
forms for the project. The use of an outdated EAF and application forms that are
not the Village's does not present a serious problem because the training
exercise is to get the Board members to spot issues and go through procedures.
In addition, since I am breaking down the training into 3 steps: 1) initial
project presentation, completeness determination, 2) hearing and consultant
review; and 3) decision making; I have all the materials available for that as
well. So it will be a case study.