Village of
East Nassau

2024 Cookie Contest
September 25, 2024



Sunday, Nov. 17, 2024 – 1 to 4 PM



At the Hoags Corners Volunteer Firehouse

7237 Route 66, East Nassau


           This year once again we will be holding our Cookie Contest. This is an afternoon of local entertainment, with auctions, free ice cream sundaes, wonderful cookies, and a chance to visit with your neighbors and make new friends.

           The prize for the First Place winning cookie will be $100 with $50 each for Second and Third Place winners.  Entry form to submit your cookie for the contest can be obtained on the village website (

           Please support this community event which also highlights neighborhood businesses for their donations. Proceeds from this event will be used for Village projects and charities.


For further information or an entry form,

contact Diane Maguire the Village Clerk at (518) 766-5811.

2023 Road Bids
July 24, 2023


Notice is hereby given that the Village Board of the Village of East Nassau invites sealed proposals for a two-year contract commencing in October 2023 for the repair and maintenance, including snow clearing, of Village roads as more fully described in the Invitation for Bids available for inspection at the Village Clerk’s office by appointment (518-794-0289) or online at  Bidders may submit proposals for repair/maintenance and snow clearing, or for repair/maintenance only, or for snow clearing only, or for all three options.


All such sealed proposals must be received by the Village Clerk at the Village Offices, 19 Town Garage Road, PO Box 268, East Nassau NY 12062, on or before 5:00 pm on Thursday, August 31, 2023. Bids will be publicly opened on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 7:00 pm at the Village Offices. All proposals shall include the bid form provided in the Invitation for Bids and such other information described in the Invitation for Bids be enclosed in a sealed envelope together with the completed non-collusion certificate.


The Village Board reserves the right, in its discretion, to waive technical noncompliance or irregularities that are not material or substantial, and to reject all bids and to rebid the project.


By motion of the Village Board.


Diane Mcguire

Village Clerk

Village of East Nassau


"Unlawning" - a talk sponsored by the Climate Smart Committee
May 31, 2023
June 1 at 6PM at the Hoags Corners Ambulance station.
Cookie Contest 2022!
October 17, 2022

Our Annual Cookie Contest is back after the COVID interruption.  Join us for a good time!


November 13, 2022 at the Hoags Corners Fire House!

March 2021 Election Sample Ballot
March 05, 2021
Here is a sample of the ballot to be used for the 2021 election scheduled to 16 March 2021.
2018 Cookie Contest Details
October 19, 2018

 cookie cookie cookie

When: Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 2 PM

(doors open at 1PM, Cookie judging at 2PM, auction and contest winners announced at 3PM)


Where: Hoags Corners Fire House, 7237 State Road 66, East Nassau


What: Cookie Contest / Pre-Holiday Season Auction / Village 20th Anniversary Celebration


Click below for more details!
2017 Cookie Contest details
October 16, 2017

cookie cookie cookie

When: Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 2 PM

(doors open at 1PM, Cookie judging at 2PM, auction and contest winners announced at 3PM)


Where: Hoags Corners Fire House, 7237 State Road 66, East Nassau


What: Cookie Contest / Pre-Holiday Season Auction


Click below for more details!
2016 Cookie Contest details announced
September 29, 2016

cookie cookie cookie

When: Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 2 PM
Where: Hoags Corners Fire House, 7237 State Road 66, East Nassau
What: Cookie Contest / Pre-Holiday Season Auction


Click below for more details!

2016 Road Bids
August 11, 2016

The documents below are the bid forms received in response to the 2016 Invitation for Bids (see our DPW page for bid specifications) for village road work.  The bids were opened in public prior to our monthly Board of Trustees meeting on 10 August 2016.  Bids were received from Cedar Creek Tree Service and Excavation for Seasonal Snow and Ice Removal and from Darcy Construction for both Seasonal Snow and Ice Removal and Year Round Maintenance.  All three bids were deemed to be complete and compliant with the bid specifications.  The files below are the "bid forms" (price lists) submitted with the three bids.  The board will consider the bids and vote on which vendors (if any) to offer contracts at the regular monthly meeting on 14 September 2016.  Feel free to submit any questions or comments on this topic to Mitch Levinn, mayor, at or call him at 518.712.9635.



Board training available to the public!
August 10, 2016

Anyone in the community is welcome to experience some of the same training that Zoning Board of Appeal and Planning Board members take.  Board members are required to take four hours of training per year.  The NYMIR University has nine one-hour modules available to help meet that training requirement.  If you are considering joining one of these village boards, feel free to take one or more of these courses in advance to better understand the role of the board and its members.


Open the document below to see how to get started!

New area code discussion at the NYS Department of Public Service
July 24, 2016
The 518 area code for phone numbers is running out of numbers.  The NYS Department of Public Service is considering options to expand the available numbers for the region including splitting the current 518 geographic area or adding another area code as an overlay (resulting in 10-digit dialing required for all numbers).  They are looking for public input into the issue.  Click here for the documents related to this matter, including public comments.
Village of East Nassau response to USPS POST Plan survey
November 28, 2012
This is a copy of the letter Mayor Levinn sent to the Postal Service in response to their survey regarding the future of the East Nassau Post Office.
Disaster Recovery Center Open
September 06, 2011
Flag Dedication Ceremony - 29 May 2010
May 06, 2010
Join us as we honor the men and women in our armed forces with a flag dedication ceremony!
Rensselaer Landowner workshop 20 March 2010
February 12, 2010
Do you own wooded land in the Rensselaer Plateau Region?  Would you like to get more from your land, or learn how to care for your land for future generations?  Whether you own land for recreation or a place to "get away from it all,"to produce timber, or because you enjoy wildlife, this workshop will provide the information and tools needed to understand and deal with some of the issues facing woodland owners today. Woodland owners in the Rensselaer Plateau region in Rensselaer County are encouraged to attend.
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